We accept composite PDF files, which should meet the PDF/X (PDF/X-1a or PDF/X-4) requirements.
- Desired format of the file: Adobe PDF
- Colors in Print file must comply with Job Order, files for 4 color CMYK job should not contain any unwanted Pantone Spot colors. All RGB images should be converted to CMYK and all gray images to Grayscale. (If additional colours are needed, they must be indicated as SPOT colours).
- All important images should be in high resolution, 300-400 dpi, backgrounds and less important images 200 dpi.
- All font types must be embedded in PDF file, or made as objects (curved).
- Document is at final trim size, plus bleed area around the page 3-5 mm
- Pages in multi-page document should be as “Pages”, the “Reader’s Spread” layout should be avoided except for cover pages.
- Black text — only in black (K) colour and in overprint.
- The overall maximum number of colours must be in accordance with the recommendations of the paper manufacturer:
Coated paper – up to 320%.
Uncoated paper – up to 260-280%. - Fonts should be included or converted as vectors.
- For a high-quality file, the file should be designed using vector graphics software.